

Mario, just wanted to say a big thank you for fixing the PDF issues I was having within emails and online. I had been putting up with the freezing ...

Fiona F, Putney

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Posted in iPad

100+ VoiceOver-friendly apps

Posted by Alisa on 1 May 2013

I’m not an expert when it comes to iPad apps and I’m certainly not one when it comes to apps that are suitable for users with vision problems. As part of an iPad Info Class we were running at a local community centre, I needed to find info on this. I got in touch with Chiu Lau, a registered psychologist running a private psychology clinic, Possibilities Psychological Services in Ramsgate. She specialises in helping children with disabilities. She works with autistic children to be more precise, but I thought she might be able to provide some information or have access to people with information. And she indeed came up with a wonderful list of resources: 

  • First is a community-powered website AppleVis, which is a rich resource for low-vision and blind users of Apple devices.
  • Second is a list of over 100 apps that have been found to work well with VoiceOver.

Thank you Chiu!

The following list of over 100 iPhone/iPad applications are the ones that have been found to work well with VoiceOver.

There are similar applications listed, as there are particular features in certain applications that stand out.

Where the name of the application is a bit vague as to its function, there is a brief description (after all, you can click on the link to read more about any application listed). No free or paid applications are identified as the state of an application can change.

The categories into which the applications are sorted is how iTunes categorizes the applications.

Have fun.

You can also download 100+ VoiceOver-friendly apps in PDF format.

Disclaimer: Please note that only because an app is on the list doesn't mean Eurobyte is recommending it. If you're interested in an app from the list, please click on the corresponding link and read more about the app before you download and/or start using it.


  1. Books
  2. Business
  3. Games
  4. Education`
    • 900+ Sound Effects
    • Proloquo2Go - Fully featured Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application. Please be aware of the price: $199.
    • Read2Go
    • Speaking Spelling Bee
    • ViA from the Braille Institute (helps you identify apps that are useful for adults and children who are blind or have low vision)
  5. Entertainment
  6. Food and Drink
  7. Health and fitness
  8. Lifestyle
  9. Medical
    • BlindSquare - GPS app specifically designed for people who are blind (integrates with 4Square and 3rd party products)
    • EyeSight - Use your iPad like a CCTV (video magnifier)
    • iHearClearly
    • VisionAssist - Use your iOS camera like a video (CCTV) magnifier
    • Vizwiz - Take a picture of something with your iOS device and have it crowd sourced (identified) through the internet
  10. Music
  11. Navigation
  12. News
  13. Photo and Video
    • Magnifyer (use your iPHone as a magnifier)
    • Productivity - Alarmed Timers, reminders and alarms
    • Dropbox
    • Droptext - A text editor for Dropbox
    • Dropvox - record notes to Dropbox
    • Fleksy (pattern recognition keyboard app - game changer for people who are blind and need to type on the on-screen keyboard)
    • List Recorder
    • MailShot (produce group emails)
    • Pages
    • Push 4.0 – Push a variety of notifications on your iOS devices including Facebook, Twitter, gmail, etc.
    • Remember The Milk (task reminder)
    • Single Text - Share quick notes between your iOS devices and the Mac (need to install Single TExt for the Mac: has info in apps store concerning website)
    • File App Pro
    • Voice Assistant+ - Alternative to Siri or dictation feature on the new iPad
    • VoiceBrief (listen to your Twitter, Facebook, feeds, Gmail etc. via audio)
  14. Reference
  15. Social networking
    • Boxcar (automatic notification from Facebook, Twitter etc.)
    • Facebook
    • Faceley HD - An alternative to the Facebook app which works fairly well with VoiceOver
    • FeeddLer Pro (RSS reader)
    • Find My Friends - Lets you find your friends via your iOS device upon request for permanent or temporary tracking based on your iCloud Apple ID
    • FourSquare (find out what people think of places and check in to places)
    • Heytell (2 way radio)
    • IM+ Pro (multiple chat client)
    • Skype
    • Twitter - The official app from Twitter
    • TweetList - A great Twitter client for Twitter lists
    • VoiceBook VO - Simple, and easy to use app for accessing Facebook newsfeed (particularly designed for use with VoiceOver)
    • Zello Walkie Talkie - Talk with friends or groups, public or private, and is very much like the old fashion CB radio although via the net
  16. Travel
    • TripView Sydney - Great app for checking bus, train and ferry times plus stops, timetabling, setting alarms etc.
  17. Utilities
  18. Weather
Posted in:iPad   Comments

iPad Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Posted by Alisa on 1 May 2013

You got your iPad not long ago and you can send and receive emails just fine, look for and buy apps without problems, play games... Are you sometimes wondering what else is there? There are many nice little things that can help you use your iPad quicker and easier and here's a few.

Add two more dock icons

By default there are 4 dock icons (on the bottom of your iPad screen), and the good news is – you can actually have 6. Simply choose an app that you'd like to place onto the dock (and you would want an app that you're using frequently, so moving it to the dock will make it easier to access). Hold your finger down on any of the apps until they begin to shake. Now drag the one you chose to the dock and press the home button.

Restart your iPad

There will be times when you'll need to reboot your iPad (if it is having problems that aren't going away). To do the reboot, you press the home button and sleep/wake button together, and you hold them for about 10 seconds (ignore the slide to power off message). Your iPad will shut down and you can then power it on as you normally do… and the original issue should (hopefully) resolve.

Force an app to close

Sometimes iPad apps can stop responding. If this happens, press and hold the sleep/wake button until the slide to power off message appears. Let go of the sleep/wake button, press the home button and hold it down for about 6 seconds. This will force the app to quit.

Take a screenshot

If you wish to save what’s on your iPad screen (for example a confirmation of a restaurant booking), you can take a screenshot by pressing the home button and sleep/wake button together. The screen will flash and you will hear a shutter sound (if you've got sound activated). The image of whatever is on your screen is now saved in your Photos app and you can email/view/print this image at your convenience.

Personalise with wallpaper

Just save an image that you'd like to have as wallpaper. To save, tap on the image and hold down, then choose save image. Your saved image is now in the Photos app. Open it up, tap the little arrow in the top left corner of the iPad screen, and choose use as wallpaper.

Following websites contain a lot of free iPad wallpapers in case you don't feel like using your own photos:

Add a webpage to the home screen

If you've got a favourite webpage (e.g. Facebook) that you visit frequently, you can add it to your iPad's home screen. Tap the + icon in Safari and then tap add to home screen.

Did you know that there are 11 home screens on your iPad? You can group your apps by simply sliding their icons onto a relevant screen. You can have all your games (for example) grouped on one home screen or your music apps on another home screen.

Free e-books for iPad

iPad supports the ePub. ePub is one of major e-book formats, so you can pretty much open any e-book with your iPad. All you need to do is email an e-book to yourself, open it up and enjoy.

Apps for vision-impaired users

As part of an iPad Info Session we were running at a local community centre, I had to find apps useful for vision-impaired users. I got in touch with Chiu Lau, a registered psychologist running a private psychology clinic, Possibilities Psychological Services in Ramsgate. She specialises in helping children with disabilities, so I hoped she'd be able to help. And she indeed came up with wonderful resources. She provided invaluable help by sourcing a list of over 100 VoiceOver-friendly apps. She also told me about a community-powered website AppleVis, which is a rich resource for low-vision and blind users of Apple devices. Thank you Chiu!

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