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A week in a computer repairs shop: Day 1

Posted by Mario on 23 May 2013

Not much is happening today in the workshop. It's school holidays and, in this part of the world (read: Boronia Park and Hunters Hill), business (and not just computer repairs) is (generally) slow during school holidays. But with a small business you never know and there are no rules. Makes me think of a No Rules Mate from a Steak House Menu (no wonder… it's 1pm, lunch time, I just got back from setting up a computer and internet for a client, I'm hungry… I'll have a bite and then I'll be off again).

Alisa is busy though. She's busy with paperwork (and I know she's got a few website projects in the pipeline, so it's quite hectic in the front office). It's GST-reporting time and receipts and bills are everywhere. Alisa is a well-organised person and I just need to stay out of her way while she's arranging everything for Rick (our bookkeeper). Otherwise, she might bite :) I just replaced her laptop hard drive with a super-fast solid state drive (SSD) and was hoping she'd test it today and tell me all about how wonderfully quick she can now open this application or that one. But I know better than ask. Not today anyway. I can hear her sigh every time the phone rings. We're lucky we’re not reporting GST on a monthly basis :) And (luckily) I've got a couple of things to do outside the office today, so I'll be onsite for better part of the day :)

About: Many years in IT, today a Senior IT Consultant and running a computer sales and repairs business in Hunters Hill NSW (and a big coffee drinker). I’m a techie who loves challenge and enjoys solving problems.
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Tags:computer repairs